Many of India’s farmers have lost much of their ancestral farming knowledge and ancient seed varieties since the introduction of chemical based commercial agriculture and hybrid seeds. In many areas of India and all over the world, valuable medicinal plants are becoming endangered because of indiscriminate commercial over-harvesting and other adverse collection practices that damage essential natural habitats.
Through organic agriculture, farmers learn healthy, sustainable farming practices, and are regaining the wisdom of their agricultural heritage. Organic agriculture enriches the soil season by season. It increases the long-term yield, nutrient value and potency of their crops. It allows for a naturally clean water supply, and provides overall richness, health and well-being of their families, livestock, farmlands and communities.
Hard to believe but each decision we make to purchase a product will make enormous difference to ecology in itself. Ex: If we decide to buy organic pulses we are not only benefiting our health but also the farmer who has his quality of life improved by Not exposing himself to harmful chemical pesticides, getting a fair price and better economic advantage over a long period of time. Along with that fertility of soil is improved and species beneficial to the crops thrive in the area maintaining ecological balance. A feel good factor is certainly associated with the purchases done from the following companies for umpteen reasons given.
The organizations below have strived to bring prices of organic products on par with conventional produce by reducing the intermediaries in the supply chain while maintaining the quality.
Deccan development society
DDS is a two-decade old grassroots organisation working in about 75 villages with women's Sanghams (voluntary village level associations of the poor) in Medak District of Andhra Pradesh. The 5000 women members of the Society represent the poorest of the poor in their village communities. DDS is working for food security in our country by producing organic food including millets.The produce from DDS is Organic certified.
Chetna Organic
Chetna Organic is a works with more than 8000 (predominantly tribal) farmers in the practices of sustainable agriculture and ethical trade. It is an effort to support small and marginal tribal farmers from the rain-fed regions of Andhra Pradesh (Telengana), Mahrashtra (Vidarbha) and Western Orissa (Kalahandi & Bolangir). Garments made from Chetna cotton are 100% certified Organic & Fair trade.
Center for Sustainable Agriculture
CSA is working in Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab and Chattisgarh directly in 150 villages and provide technical support to organizations in Orissa and Karnataka. Currently working in rain fed areas with intensive cultivation of commercial crops and suffering severe ecological and economic crisis. CSA is also working on periurban vegetable production without using chemicals, village level collection centers and direct marketing in cities.
Web: is an e-commerce portal that works with several organizations to provide eco-friendly products at very affordable rates. The idea is to increase demand for fair trade goods and make them a way of life.
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